I love package design because it takes me away from my screen. Having something physical I can say I made, makes it seem far more real and satisfying than anything digital.
Sunrise Coffee
For this coffee bottle, my number one struggle was the transfer of design from screen to bottle. From concept to final print, I most definitely could have printed more and tried different options for labels. That being said, I really like this design on screen and am still proud of where I landed with it. Just a tad more practice with the labels would have showcased a stronger finished product. Through this project, I also learned the balance between creating a design to showcase the product and brand, while also making sure everything that legally needs to be on the product is there.
These candle labels were created by me from concept to final print. As you can see in my jumbled notes through creating, they came a long way from scents that smell like songs to simple nature inspired candles.
When I created this CD case, I wanted the album cover and all the elements to translate the same feeling I get from my favorite albums and their covers. I imaged what it was like when I was a kid to get a CD and opening it up. I knew I wanted a booklet that contains the song lyrics because that was something I always got excited about opening up a CD. (also something I miss with music today)
If you scroll on you’ll see my mood boards and processes with creating the elements for this CD. This was most certainly one of the most frustrating while also rewording projects. I’ve always admired album cover artwork, and creating it myself feels special.
All photos shown on final are taken by me, songs and lyrics are not mine.